Monday, November 12, 2007


So, after some number crunching I have come to a total for McGUESSING GAME. Just to recap the guesses for number of visits in 1 year:

Christy Baugh: 365
Andrew Cazier: 179
Neil Miner: 1,000,000,000.5
Hallie Wilkins: 327
Jeremy Wilkins: 180
Amanda Nelson: 267
Michelle Anderson: 243
Cayle Christensen: 300

The total is (drumroll please): 575 visits

Which makes Christy Baugh the proud owner of a $5.00 gift certificate to McDonald's. Thanks to everybody who participated.


The Neil said...

WTF!!! I stand [sit] here amazed. If you add on that other 5% of the time you pay in cash, that puts you above 600! Which means, on average, you hit up Ol' Macdonald roughly 1.6 times daily!

drew said...

I also calculated the average right away (before seeing this).

I can honestly say that I don't think this is funny. I think it is unhealthy and I think you should quit.

Christy, congrats on winning! McDonald's raw menu is really growing. I heard they're rolling out a new raw McRib sandwich.

p.s. It's kind of funny.

jmb said...

have you ever seen super size me? I think you would be a good candidate for this kind of experiment.
How did you do that in Ny? I can't even think of where a mc d's is

sar sar said...

dusty! i'm not sure if i should be flattered or saddened that you thought the guess was coming from me (sarah) and not cayle. do i really seem like the type to start my day out with a sausage biscuit (no offense to you... 1.6 times daily person...) anyways, perhaps we will clarify in the future with a first initial.


that's the problem with these damn couples blogs. The first blog sounded like it was written by you so I just assumed.
My bad.

Hallie said...

WOW! and Jeremy told me I was guessing to high!

Jeremy said...

Holy balls man. I would say I have a special fondness for the golden arches and I knew your's exceeded mine by a great amount, but ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

I am floored. I'm not sure whether to commend you on such a rad statistic or go and throwup in my garbage can here at work.


The Neil said...

Jessica, there is a really bad McDonalds in NY by where the Chinatown bus dropped you and Dusty off. We all tried to go to the bathroom there, and I think the womens bathroom was broke, so there was a huge line, and then Jack and Andrew went into the bathroom together (it was a one seater), and all the NYers looked at em weird.

baughtronic said...

Yes! We really are MFEO.

And they have salads and apples, Andrew. Although I think the preservatives probably cancel out any sort of "raw" qualities originally possessed.

Meesh said...

I really am sittinng here shocked. You were present when I gave my guess... You could have hinted that I wasn't even to the halfway mark...