Thursday, November 8, 2007


so, just for kicks i've decided to host a little guessing game. you all need to guess how many times i used my debit card at mcdonald's in the last year. submit your guesses by commenting on this post. to help you out i would guess that i only pay with cash 5 percent of the time i visit the golden arches. make guesses for the period from november 1st 2006 to november 1st 2007. keep in mind that last year was not a leap year. also, for those who don't know me too well, think big and then double it. i eat there a lot. i imagine it will be somewhat embarrassing to tell you all the actual number but i'm pretty excited myself to see just how much of an addict i am. the winner gets a gift certificate to mcdonald's. i will be going over my atm statements for the last year to find the actual number. once everyone has had a chance to put in a guess then i'll reveal the extent of my addiction.

oh, and forget about all this closest without going over business, the closest to the actual number will win whether it's over or under the actual.


baughtronic said...

I'm going to go with a safe average of 365.

baughtronic said...

I love you.

drew said...


The Neil said...

1 billion.5

Hallie said...


Jeremy said...

The real question is, who many times did you ask for extra grease on your burgers?

My official guess is: 180

... said...

GDammit. i was going to use jeremy´s line. too late..

my official guess is 267....we both know that is modest.

i hope that i win. you know how i love the golden arches.

... said...


i would have given the safe 365 answer like christy....but i know you give a fair share of your wages to the king of burgers as well.

ketchup only...ew.

Meesh said...

My guess is 243.

sar sar said...

I sure love the sausage biscut to start my morning off right. I'm going to say 300. You should really be asking us to guess the number of calories you consumed. My guess on that... 157,963.