like this one time, this guy had a gigantic tv (probably about a 36") strapped on the top of one of those maria carts. well when i got on there weren't many people but as we headed downtown it got packed due to it being rush hour. so it's standing room only by the time we get to union square and then he decides that's where he wants to get off. the doors open and people start pouring out and when it gets to be my turn then he runs his cart into me and we don't fit through the doors. i look at him, step back and say "go ahead" and he looks at me and yells for all the people in the car to hear, "man, why does everybody gotta be fuckin' idiots". i walked out of the car and left him to fend with the other 100 people still trying to get past him. as we were walking away, i turned to my friend and said, "yeah, i'm the fucking idiot because i don't have a big ass tv on the subway during rush hour."
The title of this post reminds me of the movie with Drew Barrymore. Did you get pregnant out of wedlock?
I wish... That would mean I'd been doing the grown-up. I've been trying to get knocked up for years now. Must be all the Yellow 5.
Stop blaming this on the Yellow 5 Dusty. The doctor said I am totally potent. Grow up, and accept some responsibility.
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