Saturday, September 27, 2008


i will be the first to admit that i don't know much about the current affairs of our nation because i rarely see the news. i don't read newspapers. i don't listen to radio (especially not talk radio). for some this would be an indication that i'm very misinformed (and maybe that's a factual assumption). the little trickle of news i know of either comes to me by way of word of mouth or by watching online streaming video. i can make the assumption that i am less affected by mass media than some and possibly most.

i watched most of the first presidential debate last night and here's what i deduced from it:

both candidates seemed to me to be better informed about issues than our current president. they were both able to refer to figures when analyzing questions and responses. they both seemed to be far more skilled in the "oratory arts" than our current president. at various times throughout the debate, both senators tried to exploit the negatives of their opposition. however, while i noticed that there were many times that sen. obama tried to clarify these points, there were few times that sen. mccain did the same. this led me to believe that the republicans either had less accurate stats on obama's plan or that they had skillfully twisted points of his plan in order to make them seem less appealing.

it seemed to be rare that mccain would try to defend or further explain the negatives of the republican plan presented by sen. obama.

i will admit that i am your average joe schmoe that knows less about politics and our country's current state of being than some (and possbly most) others, however, i am of the current stance that the democrats seem to be the better choice for presidential election.

i feel that this choice is the lesser of two evils. from the small amount of exposure i've had to nader's ideas, i think he maybe be a better suited commander-in-chief than either of the bi-partisan candidates. it is a shame that the system doesn't allow him (or anyone else who might possess good, or for that matter, bad ideas) a unbiased shot at leading our country.

my vote as an individual counts just as much as anyone else's. i will be at the polls on nov. 4th.


Unknown said...

Lies, damn lies and statistics! If you are interested in a real choice, look at Jacob Smith. He vows to do nothing while in office. He promises to sleep-in until noon (at least), he promises to veto every bill that makes it to his office (that way he won't have to read them) and he promises to never give state of the union address (that way no one has to miss an episode of American Idol)

Jeremy said...

I agree with you Dusty, in that, both candidates seem to know (and have a brain) much more than our current president.
It still baffles me that he got elected a second time-I know Kerry wasn't Grade A material, but he looked like Enstein next to Bush in all the debates.
I couldn't handle watching all of the debate on Friday, they both started to drive me nuts. It sucks when both candidates throw out "statistics," and "facts," but then both of them claim they're right and the other is wrong. I swear there should be a fact checker at the debates to clarify things like that.

Jeremy said...
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drew said...



yeah, Nader. I gotta say, the guy seems to really wanna help. In addition, he doesn't seem to be as heavily influenced by so many super-organizations and big business. It's just my take. Take it with a grain of salt.

Jesse C said...

I vote for Jake.