(for the record. the only things i adjusted on these photos were cropping and some minor levels adjustments in photoshop.)

title: waves
i wound up the camera on it's carrying loop and then did a long exposure and let it spin. kinda cool flowing lines with some nice bright colors.

title: tokster
this shot kind of reminds me of rockets blasting off. i used a long exposure of the stage while i shook the camera and then set it down pointed at motoki who was watching the stage. he didn't know i was taking this so he sat still like a good little boy.

title: texture
this one was just a long exposure of the stage but i slid the camera across the railing in front of me. as it slid it vibrated ever so slightly which gave the light streaks a cool bumpiness.

title: glasgow mega snake
i was on the front row while i watched mogwai. i just snapped this one of the stage snake using a short depth of field. stuart of mogwai is out of focus in the background.

title: neons
just wiggled the camera while there were nifty colored lights on stage.

title: broseph jakov
this is the same idea as the one of motoki but i combined it with sliding the camera to get that cool texture to the light streaks. again, i was sneaky so jake didn't move while he was being exposed.

title: exit does exist
this was just a bored shot of the exit sign in the back of the arena/auditorium but i liked the way it was composed in the frame as well as how the light didn't burn in too hard.
I really like the exit picture and the snake picture. It looks like you are having fun with the new camera
They are all really good and interesting to look at. I like waves and exit the best, with jake and motoki shots a close second.
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