early this summer i had the idea that i should host a summer film series here in logan. since i had recently bought a projector i almost felt that it was my duty. the idea was that i'd call it the LAWNCHAIR CINEMA and show a different movie in the great outdoors every week. everybody could be invited and it'd be for the excuse of a social gathering more than anything else. well i let the idea sit for about half the summer but when some of my freelance work started to slow down i got on the ball.
i knew that i needed to come up with some sort of mobile solution for these movies since i wasn't sure where this event would take place each week. so i started sketching out plans for a screen that i could set up anywhere. in the end it ended up being a frame of PVC that could be broken down for easy transport (see time-lapse video below). i enlisted the sewing skills of jessica belcher to convert a queen size sheet for the screen part. i had been thinking maybe green canyon was the best place to do it so that we wouldn't be disturbing anybody and everyone knows where it is. but, since there aren't any power receptacles up there i ended up buying a heavy duty power inverter that i can run off my car battery. 150 feet of extension cords were needed to keep my running car out of earshot and to keep the exhaust from gassing the audience.
after these preparations everything seemed to be ready. so two wednesday's ago, i kicked it off with the cycling movie Breaking Away (1979). we had about 15 people show up and i think everybody enjoyed themselves. i was glad to have mister lance petersen there to help me set everything up.
this past wednesday we had our second showing. we played Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006) and it went off pretty well. we had a few new faces and i felt the movie was pretty much unanimously acclaimed by those in attendance.
i think next wednesday night we'll be showing the bmx classic RAD (1986) but we'll be changing up the location to bryan bostrom's freshly grown grassy back yard. they're having a sushi party before and then we'll show the movie at dark preceded by an episode of Arrested Development.
it would be great to see anybody who can make it. all are welcome and it's free!
It's kind of ironic to show a bike movie that is powered by a running car, off in the distance.
You kill me man. Time lapsed videos! That screen is super cool.
Where did you get your projector? I've been thinking about getting one for the new house.
I think it's great that Lance could help you erect your thing. You guys are a great erection team.
I wish I could make it up there on a Wednesday night, but alas, I cannot. Any way we could do a camp night again and do it on a Friday or Saturday night? And could I push my request a litter further and ask you to reserve the showing of Evil Dead II until we can make it?
jeremy, I think we could probably swing something like that. Just let me know when your coming and i'll see what i can do.
time laps = AWESOME.
I love erecting things!
You little...
wups, didn't mean to delete my comment. I said (and I quote), "sickos....just kidding. can't wait to watch another!"
MOVIE that is. NOT an errection.
better than good
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