my sister and her family just moved to mississippi and had this kid a few months ago. his name is quincy and i can't help but wonder if that southern barbecue is the best thing to bring a kid up on. either way, i thought this was a pretty amazing photo of the kid.
holy holy crap
Is that pic real or is this a Dusty photoshop trick? I still cannot forget how my confidence was betrayed with the falsifying of the McDonald's contest...
Don't you dare try to "Dust," me. I will not be "Dusted."
Oh, and if this picture is real, then disregard all of the above and replace with: "Cool."
wow...you sisters babies get bigger each time. this kid is super squishy. way to go heidi
jeremy, this one is for real. PROOF
Holy Moses.
holy crap he is cute! good thing your blogs not private anymore jerk. now hows about andrew??
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