Saturday, March 29, 2008


for those that have the attention span for a 10 minute song, this is a recording that we recently decided to spend some time/cash on.

it's our only "real" recording. everything else we have is just hitting record on the ol' ipod. the mixing generally consists of picking a uncluttered patch of carpet somewhere in the middle of the room. what's that, more drums, no problem. kick it a foot closer to the kick drum. bingo. and so goes "recording". i know there are some that will insist that ocd dusty wouldn't possibly allow such haphazard documentation practices. such implications are warranted but i assure you i am not telling lies.

anyway i think this real recording sounds pretty good. the people who recorded us did a better job than we did of playing it. i will say it's kind of nice to have something vaguely official. i'd love comments/criticisms/kudos/etc.

arms at akimbo - open.mp3

for posterity:

motoki asaoka - bass guitar
jacob smith - guitar 1
dusty wickham - guitar 2
sean morris - drums

***sample cut from easy rider


The Neil said...

I've got a fever, and the only cure is... MORE COWBELL.

No, but for real, it is still downloading. I'll write more later.

The Neil said...

Sounds really good!

It might just be me or my computer or something, but it seems that 95% of the sound was coming out of just the left speaker/ear bud. I double checked with some other songs and it was even.

Do you have some more? Even if it is just some unprofessionally done shiz. I like to listen to that music at work.


Neil, glad you like it.

I'm not sure why the balance seemed to be off for you. I just tried it on my computer and it seems to be pretty even here. We'll have to see what other people say. Maybe you aren't the only one having that problem.

We have some other songs (the ones from the ipod, aka unprofessionally done shiz) you could download from our MySpace page.

baughtronic said...

I like it, Dusty. And I like it dusty. No I don't.

The balance seemed fine to me, but that's because I only have one speaker.

Please excuse my worthless comments.

The Neil said...

The balance is just fine, turns out my headphone jack on my speakers at work is less than desirable.

Rock on.

Jeremy said...

I like this Dusty, and that's saying a lot, coming from someone who is more of a lyrics guy than instrumental.

However-right off the first listen-I think I like some of your other stuff better that I've heard live at your shows. Can't really put my finger on why, but I'll think about it and get back to you. Just want to give you an honest opinion.


thanks for the feedback folks. it's good to know that there are a few people listening (and even better, liking) this stuff. I realize that it's not very accessable to most people. Good thing that most of my friends have good taste and open minds when it comes to music.

Jesse C said...

I like it Dusty. Really good production quality, where did you record it?

I really like the parts where things die down, the drums cut, and then everything slowly builds back up.

My only criticism is I think the drums at the beginning could "evolve" rather than just going straight into a beat.(kind of like Sean's drumming right after the movie soundbite) Just an idea, it still works well the way it is.