so this has been a pretty killer semester and now that it's over i guess i should document some of it.
the first project i worked on was for an IDEC competition. it was a group project and the emphasis was to make a small housing unit that is extremely affordable. this is basically low-income housing but we also needed to incorporate the principals of sustainablity. the boards that we ended up creating were completely hand drawn. i spent hours writing out the text and another person in the group did the renderings. the corrugated part on the bottom is where we actually cut the top layer of the cardboard out so you see the inside of it. i think it turned out well and hopefully we get recognized when the time comes to be judged.

the next project i worked on was for another competition called Tasmeem Doha. a partner and i had the task of coming up with a design concept to better the world. it needed to have something to do with shelter. we decided to take the vague nature of the design breif and keep it really simple. basically we want to create a blueprint for a container that can be used for a whole bunch of other things. we called it xix and we submitted a video i made using 3DS max. hopefully you'll get a good idea of what we had in mind by watching it (please do because i probably spent like 50-70 hours on it). we also made a custom CD case with some images and a simple built-in scale model of our container that could be assembled when you open the booklet. p.s. the music on the video is arms at akimbo, the band that we had last year. (i think we're re-forming after the holiday too.)

the project that followed was one i did on my own. it was to design a piece of furniture that had multiple functions. it was to be presented to
KARIM RASHID and so i designed it in a similar style to his work. we were required to build a model of our design and so i used a rapid proto-typing printer. it's a basically a 3D printer that makes objects out of a starch. it's pretty cool but expensive. my model cost me about 100 bucks and wouldn't you know it, i dropped it and broke it right before i handed it in. i ended up gluing what i could back together and it looks alright. below you'll see some photos of it. i'm aslo including a video file that played in the box that it sat on and showed the various functions.

after that it was another group project. we were given a project that a SLC firm is currently really working on. the objective was to design a space for SUNSET magazine which is opening an office in downtown SLC. each person on the team did different parts of the project. i'm just going to post some images of the layout which i did. i also built a model of the reception area but i haven't photographed it yet. note: the white squares had material samples attached after the boards were printed.

the last project that i've worked on wasn't technically for school. it was for a design contest i chose to enter. the object is to design a DREAM KITCHEN that uses GE MONOGRAM appliances. a friend of mine won last year and bought herself a harley davidson sportster with the $5000. i could really use $5000 too so i figured it was worth staying up 3 nights in a row. here are the images that i came up with and submitted:

Nice work Dee-dub. I especially liked the video with xix. I am not just saying that cause you spent 50-70 hours on it. I thought the hot computer voice that was slightly british really added a whole nother dimension.
If you win any the last contest, maybe you can finally pay me back the $4,500 you owe me.
umm...those all look amazing. Huh, kind of makes me want to stop doing my finals right now and hire you.
I finally took the time to go through this post thoroughly and you've done some fine work here. That xix video is sweet. And the voice was perfect.
good work buddy. staying up all those hours was definitely worth it. and i will echo the love already stated for the xix video. that voice makes me want to buy it already.
I'm pretty sure you're way too talented for your own good. I hope you win the contest.
So can we assume that you won the contest and are on to bigger and better things than posting on your blog, since it's been almost a month since we last heard from you?
I haven't won any contests yet. I haven't blogged for a while because I've been working on a new portfolio website. It's taking forever though. I'm a slacker.
Great work Dusty. I love the hand cut cardboard on the first layouts. The movie is great as is the multi-use furniture.
You have some incredible talent Ol Dust.
That voice in the XIX video sounds very much like the female voice you can choose when creating a Monk-E-Mail.
All of those projects looked pretty intense and time consuming.
Good luck winning the contest.
I loved the xix video. Kelvin here. Awesome presentation. I'm starting a green news blog and want to feature all of your projects one by one. Figured it would be a nice tribute to awesome ideas, awesome people, and our school. So, how 'bout it?
neil, you were only kidding about that 4.5K I owe you, right?
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